StyleVision Server

Altova StyleVision Server automates business report generation in HTML, PDF and Word/OpenXML, based on designs created in Altova StyleVision. It may be used under the management of FlowForce Server or used standalone.

Altova StyleVision Server is based on the built-in report and document generation engine developed for StyleVision. StyleVision Server renders XML, SQL databases, and/or XBRL data into HTML, RTF, PDF, or Microsoft Word files based on StyleVision stylesheets and supporting design elements uploaded by StyleVision over a network connection. StyleVision Server can operate under the management of FlowForce Server, in a standalone configuration executed from a command line, or programmatically via an

Software Properties Group
32bit/64bit 32bit
32bit/64bit 64bit
For OS Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 RedHat Ubuntu CentOS Mac OS
Version 2017 Release 3


注意: 不接受 HTML 格式内容!
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StyleVision Server

  • 品牌: Altova
  • 型号: 2017 Release 3
  • 库存状态: 有库存
  • ¥5,625.00


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