Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile
HTML5 reporting for mobile devices.

Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile is a reporting tool designed for working with reports on mobile devices. The product is a toolset of reporting components for developers who are involved in creating business applications for tablet PCs and Smartphones. The product is easy to use not only for developers but also for end-users. You do not need to install additional plug-ins or components in your browser, no other additional steps required before you start. The product consists of two parts - server side running on ASP.NET and client side running on AJAX. All you need is a Web browser to create, render and view reports.

Mobile Viewer
The report viewer is designed for use on mobile devices. No matter which device you are using, a Tablet PC or a Smartphone, you can view reports anywhere at any time.

Mobile Report Designer
The report designer, written in AJAX, was designed specifically for use with mobile devices. It includes a full set of functions and a user-friendly interface.

Completely adapted for use on mobile devices, Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile supports the specific browsers used on these devices.

In Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile you can choose the best way to work with reports on - sliding your fingers on the touch sensitive screen or using a mouse on the desktop computer.

Simple and Easy
Ease of use is combined with the convenience and intuitive accessibility.  

You can easily transfer your reports from WinForms or WPF platforms and display them on your iPad, Microsoft Surface or any other Tablet PC.  

Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile supports more than 25 languages. You can create reports in your native language or the languages your customers speak. The product supports localization of various currencies, time and date format, right to left mode and many other features.

Component Property
Component Type .NET
Version 2014,9


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Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile

  • 品牌: Stimulsoft
  • 型号: StimulsoftReportsMobile
  • 库存状态: 有库存
  • ¥0.00


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标签: Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile