Microsoft Reporting Services 2008/2012 in Silverlight Applications is Possible
Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services is the only product on the market which provides the ability to view Reporting Services reports in Silverlight applications. This is a native Silverlight control that easily integrates into any Silverlight application. Thus, it is possible to use the whole set of features which are, as a rule, available in the classical desktop applications, including dynamic scaling and smooth panning with animation, interactive sorting, search and so on.
Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services Features
Support for out-of-browser mode.
Silverlight Viewer can be used in applications, run directly in Web browser, and in the out-of-browser mode. Now you can open reports directly from your computer without the use of Internet browser.
Fast report uploading.
Though all reports are stored on the server, they are loaded much faster, as every separate report page is uploaded separately. User will view only necessary report pages without loading the whole report. This feature will dramatically save nternet traffic and correspondingly and user's time and money
DrillDown Fucntionality.
Now you can display in Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services drilldown reports. Drilldown reports can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide summary or detail data. A drilldown report displays a toggle (+) for any summary group, row, or column for which the Visibility properties are set.
WYSIWYG report preview in web browsers.
Forget about viewing reports via the Web as HTML and PDF documents that don't provide high quality of representation. With Silverlight report viewer you will get precisely displayed reports, the same reports you see in Win Forms.
Font loading.
Automatic loading of fonts, which are used in the report, saves from installing of ofnt on the client's side
High-quality report representation.
Pages are provided in vector format; it provides the ability to zoom in any report area without loss of quality.
- Advanced preview features.
Manipulate reports in Web browser in the same way you do it in Windows applications: - Zoom in/out reports: dynamic, regional, percent zoom is available;
- Various preview modes are at your discretion: single page, continuous;
- Export reports to PDF, Excel, Html, Cvs, Xml, Mhtml, TIFF;
- Quickly find necessary information in the report;
- Easily navigate the report; Use interactive sorting in reports;
- Pan and scroll reports.
Smooth preview transformation.
An advanced SmartReportView technology is designed to enhance user experience. This technology makes all user manipul ations over the report smoothly animated, no sudden changes on the display occur when you scroll, zoom in or out or navigate the report. It is very convenient, as necessary information doesn't go out of the user's focus;
Parameterized reports.
The use of parameters for the display of the necessary information allows you to get quick access to the needed data.
Component Property | |
Component Type | Silverlight |
Version | v3.3 |
Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services
- 品牌: perpetuum-software
- 型号: SilverlightViewerforReportingServices
- 库存状态: 有库存
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